Audible Bat Echolocation
Most insect bat echolocation is silent, but occasionally one hears certain species.
Captured at dusk at Korsman.
Swallow roosting at sunset
At times in summer, vast flocks of swallows stream in to Korsman to roost in the reed beds just before sunset.
Species include Barn, White-throated, Greater Striped and Lesser Striped Swallows.
Available in HD (recommended)
Water Mongoose sighting
These elusive creatures presence is normally only known by their droppings and feeding habits.
This sighting was serendipitously caught on camera.
Goliath Heron in Flight: Stop-motion
The Goliath Heron has a wingspan of 2m.
These combined photographs by Eugene Liebenberg show its flight in stop-motion.
Veldfokus insert on 50|50
Goli catching fish and feeding its babies, featured on SABC2.
Video starts at the Korsman insert.
The Dances of the Little Ones
A fascinating close-up look into the secret world of insects
Freshwater Life
What lives under the surface of the Pan?
Big, small and incredible microscopic aquatic creatures and their interactions.